Kidst Asmamaw

by admin on September 18, 2016

Kidst asmamaw Kidst asmamaw

My name is Kidst Asmamaw. I was born at Ginch in Western Welega zone. I left from my country to Dubai in order to find a way to solve my economic problem. My journey was aggravated by my fruitless 8th grade result. After arrival at Dubai, I travelled with a Broker to a small town called Amedque which is about four hours journey away from Dubai.

After arrival at my employer’s house everything became very difficult to me from the beginning. It was not similar with my expectation. Then, I started to face terrific environment, working hours became restless, getting sufficient food became a luxury. Every house hold duties rested up on my shoulder. In addition, to my hardship home based duties, the Arabic language also became another obstacle. After a while, I usually go with my boss to shopping and a hospital because she was pregnant. One day I went to hospital with my boss to assist her. On this day something which was unexpected happened up on me. While she was in the examination room, I was sitting at the waiting room. Suddenly a female doctor showed me a calling sign to get in to a classroom. I entered, and then she asked me to lie down on the examination bed in the operation class. I hesitated and responded why? I am not sick! , please why do you ask me to lie down, I shouted! My boss opened the door suddenly and shouted lie down! Lie down! By pointing her finger at the examination bed, I nodded my face left and right to show my negative response. She smacked my check once, repeated again and again, I strongly refused her request. She repeatedly defeated me, and I shouted again and again. Listening to the screaming, and finally police men arrived at the Hospital. They took me to a police station and I stayed there for 15 days. As a result, I decided to return to my homeland. After returning I did not want even to think about going to my parents, because I had no money to refund the amount of money that my mother initially paid for my passport and transportation process. Then, I started working in “St.Paulos Hospital” in assisting admitted patients. GSA as a chance had also admitted two patients at the same ward and forward to me a request to assist the two women patients.

I accepted the request and started to work with GSA patients. This was the first moment that I was introduced with GSA. I explained my entire personal story to GSA. GSA in collaboration with the woreda Administration Office found me a way to survive. The Woreda Administration Office allowed me a parcel of land and GSA constructed me a small shop on a 25 square meter area. Currently, I am a successful woman in my own Country, and became a mother of two children from my husband. In addition, able to generate sufficient income to fulfill my household consumption from my business, and further able to expand my asset to a Grocery level.


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