Vision, Mission Goal


To see Ethiopian women and marginalized sections of the population free from poverty and their attainment of acceptable standard heath and education service.


GSA exists to work with families; individuals and institutions towards achieving improved quality of life the most marginalized and discriminated segments of the community by employing community based participatory integrated development initiatives, health, Education, basic skill training and other development activities.


  • To assist poorest people to improve their living conditions by strengthening basic social services & facilities such as health, education, water and credit facilities.
  • To alleviate the poverty and backwardness of the Ethiopian people by promoting heath, education and other infrastructure services.
  • To promote and support the all rounded development efforts of the peoples in need to attain self-reliance by providing financial, material and technical assistance.
  • To promote the economic empowerment of women, of the poor and marginalized section of the population
  • To undertake and participate in efforts to see promote women’s role  and status in the society
  • To provided help & reduce vulnerability of marginalized segmental the community to social, health problems, economic hardship and harmful traditional practices.
  • To collaborate with governmental and non-governmental organizations working to the betterment of the livelihood of all peoples.
  • To preserve and protect natural, historical and cultural heritage of the peoples.
  • Conduct IEC/BCC activities to raise the awareness of the community regarding to the social, economical& health problems.